ESG at Everlight Chemical
Sustainable Environment
Everlight Chemical has taken measures to support sustainability initiatives, including those for climate-related financial disclosures, net-zero emissions, renewable energy, green chemistry, and circular economy. We have incorporated ISO 14001 in our environmental management system and day-to-day operations. To protect the planet and deliver greater value, we continue to promote sustainability actions in numerous aspects, including climate change, energy management, water resources, waste management and air pollution prevention.
Disclosures in this section cover production facilities and subsidiaries that have obtained ISO 14001 certification, which include ECIC Plant I-IV in Taoyuan, Trend Tone Imaging in Hsinchu, and Everlight Suzhou in China.
Environmental Sustainability Management
With “Mitigate Environmental Risks, Towards Ecological Sustainability” as the guiding principle of our Environmental Policy, we implement rigorous management measures and are committed to the following practices…
Aligning with the SDGs
We have identified the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we can respond to with concrete actions, including SDG 6, SDG 7, SDG 12 and SDG 13 , based on which we have reformulated management approaches and targets for each aspect of pollution prevention.
Pollution Prevention
In 1998, Everlight Chemical became the first among its industry peers in Taiwan to adopt environmental accounting (or green accounting) standards, by which we document and analyze environment-related costs to fully understand our environmental performance from a financial point of view…
Waste Management
As a manufacturer of color chemicals, specialty chemicals, electronic chemicals and pharmaceuticals, we actively recycle reusable materials (including through supplier take-back programs and reusing containers for product delivery) in each step of our day-to-day operations, including raw material sourcing, product shipment, production process, environmental pollution prevention and so on…
GHG Inventory & Energy Management
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management has always been a matter of great importance for Everlight Chemical. In 2021, we established the Climate Change Working Group. Besides assessing financial impacts from climate-related risks and opportunities based on the TCFD framework, we continue to develop short-, medium-, and long-term GHG reduction targets and measures…
Climate Change Adaptation
In response to global trends in climate actions, in 2020, Everlight Chemical began conducting assessments on climate-related risks and opportunities based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations by the Financial Stability Board (FSB)…
Circular Economy
Everlight Chemical has established the Circular Economy Steering Committee to facilitate the implementation of building a circular system in the Company’s operations. From products (inner loop) to the industry chain (outer loop), we focus on turning waste into resources and maximizing resource utilization and continue to make progress towards the ultimate goal of zero emissions and zero waste…